• General Assembly
  • Presidium
  • Supervisory Board
  • General Secretary and Secretariat
  • Committees and Departments

A top body of the Union is General Assembly, which takes place once a year. It may be called by Presidium in extraordinary cases and these are as follows:

  • Upon its iniciative,
  • Or upon written demand made by at least the half of number of regular Union members,
  • Or upon written demand made by Supervisory Board.

Extraordinary General Assembly must be called by Presidium within two months after some condition of three conditions is fulfilled.

The Union member must be sent an invitation for General Assembly session at least 15 days before it is started.

Demand made by one Union member only is being solved by Presidium.

General Assembly is entitled to negotiate and have a quorum if there is present during a session a majority of regular Union members. If the condition is not fulfilled, the negotiation is being postponed by an hour. Afterwards General Assembly is entitled to negotiate and have a quorum even on lower participation than is the half of number of regular Union members, except making decisions about the following:

    1. changing the Union articles
    2. election and recalling the Presidium members (President, 1. vice-president and three vice-presidents), Chairman and Supervisory Board members,
    3. cancelling the Union and respective consequential property settlement,
    4. defining length of office period for Union bodies,

while it is required a consent of three quarters voters of all regular Union members.

Order paper of General Assembly is being approved by regular members during the first session. Changes are being approved according to needs of General Assembly ´s floor, also after its beginning, it votes a working Presidium, committees and a recorder person. The General Assembly has the following sole competent authorities:

  1. approving and changing wording of the Union ´s articles,
  2. defining program of the Union ´s activities
  3. election and recalling the Presidium members, Chairman and Supervisory Board members,
  4. negotiating and approving reports of Supervisory Board about activity and Union economy,
  5. making decisions about recalling regarding the membership in the Union,
  6. having quorum about cancelling the Union and consequential respective property settlement,
  7. defining length of office period for Union bodies,

§ 14

Presidium is the executive body of Union. It manages the Union in period between sessions of General Assembly. It is a statutory representative of the Union. Presidium is formed by a President, the first Vice-president and three Vice-presidents. Legal acts of Union, for which is required a written form are signed by President, during his absence the first Vice-president or Vice-president of the Union.

A General Secretary participates also in negotiation of Presidium with delegated powers.

The General Assembly is voting Presidium and its President for an office period of two years. The Presidium runs its office until a new presidium is elected.

The Presidium fulfils the tasks brought by resolution of the General Assembly or delegated by General Assembly. The Presidium subjects to General Assembly.

The Presidium ´s authorities are first of all the following:

  1. calling regular as well as extraordinary sessions of General Assembly in compliance with § 13,
  2. working out conclusions of General Assembly and organising their execution
  3. approving membership of associated members, suspending performance of member rights and suggesting to General Assembly membership termination in the Union,
  4. creating committees and departments for Union´s professional focus, approving their managers and members,
  5. appointing arbitration committees, if need is,
  6. issuing, according to needs, controlling acts following from the Articles,
  7. to nominate representatives of the Union to the governing and expert bodies of international organizations.

Supervisory Board
§ 15

Supervisory Board is a control body of the Union. It is formed by a three-member group of representatives of regular Union members, of which the Chairman and members are elected by General Assembly. While acting it abides by commonly valid legal regulations. At least once a year it performs audit of Union economy. Its control activity is not limited to economic point of view but to check whether conclusions accepted during General Assembly or by Presidium are being fulfilled. General Assembly entitles the Supervisory Board to perform control activities even regarding the matters of breaking interests of a member by another. During its activity it is entitled to ask for explanations and base documents even from Presidium and other Union bodies. If need is the Chairman of the Supervisory Board participates in session of Presidium with his advisory vote. Membership of physical entity in the Supervisory Board excludes at the same time membership in Union Presidium.

It submits conclusions of its activity - depending on character of matter - to respective bodies of Union.

Secretariat and General Secretary
§ 16

Administrative activity of the Union is being provided by its secretariat. It is managed by a General Secretary who subjects to General Assembly, in delegated cases to the President of Union Presidium. General secretary is a co-optated member of Presidium with delegated authorities in limited activities which are determined by General Assembly.

It has its advisory vote in Presidium. Usually General secretary is employee of employment contract concluded with the Union or/and other employees of General secretary as well.

Committees and Departments
§ 17

The Union Presidium creates for Union ´s needs the committees and departments with respect to professional and other point of view. Their task is to carry out objectives and concerns of Union and of its individual members. Committees and departments have their own managers who are approved by Presidium. The committees and departments managers may participate in session of Presidium with an advisory vote.

Committees and departments, only via Presidium or General Assembly, may apply execution of their activity result, which is of character being in compliance with Union articles. Regarding solving individual disputes among Union members it is being done by arbitration committees. It has usually odd number of members (3 or 5). Chairman is being elected from the centre of group. Conclusions of arbitration committee are approved by General Assembly. Arbitration committee in dispute cases has a delegated power to require documents from members for making review on dispute. Members are obliged to clear up their standpoint in required range or/and to submit written documents regarding disputed matter.

§ 18

Economy of Union is being managed by the following :

  • commonly bound legal standards
  • resolutions of General Assembly
  • Union´s guidelines.

Membership fee
§ 19

Each form of membership, except honourable one, means to pay a membership fee. The fee amount depends on number of employees of Union regular member or associated one. Members deposit annual membership fee for the next year according to General Assembly decision.

General Assembly may determine to pay membership fee even for shorter period as one calendar year.

Membership fee is paid by Union member to respective Union´s bank account within 15 days after payment period is over.

On establishing the membership during a year the membership fee will be paid by member according to rules approved in General Assembly.

Final Stipulations

  1. Member, who is a legal entity, is represented by his statutory representative or entitled person, always by one person only in General Assembly.
  2. Advisory board of Union member has no voting rights and may participate in consulting session only for preparation of General Assembly or when working out its conclusions. Those conclusions are matter of agreement made by members.
  3. Those Articles may be changed or amended upon decision made by General Assembly.
  4. Union of Employers of Power Industry in Slovakia cooperates not only with the Slovak and foreign employing associations but independently with employers associated in the employing unions and associations as well.

These articles had been approved during session of General Assembly which took place in Piešťany on 7 February 1991.

The articles were changed and amended in session of General Assembly on 28 May 1997, on 28 May 1998, on 28 October 1998, on 16 May 2002, on 24 November 2005, on 10 July 2007 and 30 September 2009.

Made by: Vladimír Tonka, General secretary

Prezídium je výkonným orgánom Zväzu. Riadi Zväz v dobe medzi zasadaniami Valného zhromaždenia. Je štatutárnym zástupcom Zväzu. Prezídium tvorí prezident, prvý viceprezident a traja viceprezidenti. Právne úkony Zväzu, pre ktoré je žiadúca písomná forma, podpisuje prezident, v jeho neprítomnosti 1. viceprezident alebo viceprezident Zväzu.

Jeho rokovania sa zúčastňuje aj generálny sekretár s delegovanými právomocami.

Valné zhromaždenie volí Prezídium a jeho prezidenta na funkčné obdobie na dva roky. Prezídium vykonáva svoju funkciu do doby zvolenia nového Prezídia.

Prezídium plní úlohy uložené uznesením Valného zhromaždenia, alebo delegované Valným zhromaždením. Prezídium sa zodpovedá Valnému zhromaždeniu.

Do právomoci Prezídia patrí hlavne:

  • a. zvolávať riadne aj mimoriadne rokovanie Valného zhromaždenia v súlade s § 13,
  • b. rozpracovávať závery Valného zhromaždenia a organizovať ich realizáciu,
  • c. schvaľovať členstvo pridružených členov, pozastavovať výkon členských práv a navrhovať VZ ukončenie členstva vo Zväze,
  • d. vytvárať komisie a sekcie Zväzu profesného zamerania, schvaľovať ich vedúcich a členov,
  • e. menovať podľa potreby rozhodcovské komisie,
  • f. vydávať podľa potreby riadiace akty vyplývajúce zo Stanov,
  • g. nominovať zástupcov Zväzu do riadiacich a odborných orgánov medzinárodných organizácií.
Členovia prezídia:

doc. Ing. Vojtech Ferencz, PhD.


Ing. Martin Magáth


Ing. Branislav Strýček

1. viceprezident

Ing. Tomáš Malatinský, MBA


Ing. Radoslav Haluška


Dozorná rada je kontrolným orgánom Zväzu. Tvorí ju trojčlenná skupina zástupcov riadnych členov Zväzu, ktorej predsedu a členov volí Valné zhromaždenie. Pri svojej činnosti sa riadi obecne platnými právnymi predpismi. Najmenej jeden raz ročne vykonáva revíziu hospodárenia Zväzu. Jej kontrolná činnosť sa neobmedzuje len na hospodárenie, ale tiež na kontrolu plnenia záverov prijatých na Valnom zhromaždení, či na Prezídiu. Valné zhromaždenie ju poveruje k výkonu kontrolnej činnosti aj vo veciach porušovania záujmov jedného člena druhým. Pri svojej činnosti je oprávnená požadovať vysvetlenia a podklady aj od Prezídia a ostatných orgánov Zväzu. Predseda Dozornej rady sa podľa potreby zúčastňuje rokovania Prezídia s hlasom poradným. Členstvo fyzickej osoby v Dozornej rade vylučuje zároveň členstvo v Prezídiu Zväzu. Predkladá závery svojej činnosti – podľa povahy veci – príslušným orgánom Zväzu.

Členovia dozornej rady:

Ing. Pavol Ponca


Ing. Miroslav Kadlec


Ing. Anton Letko, MBA


Administratívnu činnosť Zväzu zabezpečuje sekretariát. Na jeho čele stojí generálny sekretár, ktorý je za svoju činnosť zodpovedný Valnému zhromaždeniu, v delegovaných prípadoch prezidentovi Prezídia Zväzu. Generálny sekretár je kooptovaným členom Prezídia s delegovanými právomocami vo vyhradených činnostiach, ktoré určuje Valné zhromaždenie. Má v Prezídiu hlas poradný. Generálny sekretár je obyčajne pracovníkom v pracovnom pomere k Zväzu, prípadne aj s ďalšími pracovníkmi sekretariátu.

Generálny sekretár:

Ing. Vladimír Tonka

Adresa a kontakt:
Zväz zamestnávateľov energetiky Slovenska
Mlynské Nivy 47 821 09 Bratislava

The Union Presidium creates for Union ´s needs the committees and departments with respect to professional and other point of view. Their task is to carry out objectives and concerns of Union and of its individual members. Committees and departments have their own managers who are approved by Presidium. The committees and departments managers may participate in session of Presidium with an advisory vote.
Committees and departments, only via Presidium or General Assembly, may apply execution of their activity result, which is of character being in compliance with Union articles. Regarding solving individual disputes among Union members it is being done by arbitration committees. It has usually odd number of members (3 or 5). Chairman is being elected from the centre of group.
Conclusions of arbitration committee are approved by General Assembly. Arbitration committee in dispute cases has a delegated power to require documents from members for making review on dispute. Members are obliged to clear up their standpoint in required range or/and to submit written documents regarding disputed matter.


Member of Board of Directors:

MSc. Pierre Poncik

Trade, Market Regulation and Dispatching Director

Address and contact:
Slovenske Elektrarne a.s.
Mlynské nivy 47 821 09 Bratislava